Saturday, October 20, 2007


Diamonds are the hardest known substance on earth. As adamant as it may appear, it is highly coveted for its beauty and value. Such a brilliantly-cut piece of art can last for years, possibly forever.
But alas, unknown to many, a diamond is just a piece of stone subjected to an immense amount of pressure and heat that we can't even fathom. As odd as it may seem, we are somewhat similar to diamonds. We are exposed to tremendous amount of pressure and stress everyday. We are forced to accept it as a way of life. Some would falter, some would break, and unfortunately, only a few would survive. So how do we get away with the pressures this crazy life gaves us? I say we can't. It is an inevitable part of life.
This now poses a big question: How resilient are we to withstand it? How strong are we to survive the fall? Remember that there's no such thing as life being offered on a silver platter. No exceptions. So whenever we see ourselves stumbling due to the pressures of life, just remember what a diamond has to go through to achieve such perfection.
Life's difficulties help us develop what I can call our most wonderful gift, VIRTUES.
This is what makes a man a diamond perfected in time.

"Let each one of us be like a diamond...."

el hafar ash sharqiyah, KSA

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